Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sad girl, don't lose your faith/ Your tears are pretty diamonds

Sorry, I know I've quoted this song before. It's a good one.

My friend Tim said something quite smart just now regarding matters of the heart and it's well worth repeating:

Despite things not working out how I wanted them to, the disappointment is surefire, everytime. It's choose your own adventure, but you always know already that you'll get eaten by the alien around page 38.

If you know someone who can sum it up better, I don't want to hear it.


Blogger quickstuff said...

i certainly can't. seems like a smart guy! nice, too.

12:36 PM

Blogger Hackett said...

and smells like strawberry jam. delicious!

8:13 AM


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