Big Fish and Pleated Pants
Big Fish is a fantastic film. It's a Tim Burton and although I'm not an official fan (Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands are in the queue), I will quickly declare myself one if the bulk of his films are anything like Big Fish. Wow. It's absolutely beautiful to look at (as is Billy Crudup, quite frankly), the plot is lovely and the acting is fantastic.
While watching Fox News last night (forgive me, I like to surf the news for my commercial because it's my 30 seconds of fame), I heard a disturbing statistic about cell phones in the boudoir:
17% of Americans have stopped sex to answer their cell phones
7% of Italians
22% of Germans
Thank you, Fox News! Now I'm no stranger to bad sex and Fat Daly used to stop sex with me to field calls from his roommate ("She might be on her way home!') but really . . . ! Then again, if the person placing the call was talking dirty sexy things to the person receiving the sex, good or bad .. I don't know.
Lots of fat guys with pleated pants and bad hair on the train this morning. One chick was holding a silver bag that read "Will work for shoes" but was wearing some of the ugliest I'm-trying-to-be-hip shoes I've ever seen. What the eff.
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