Hopped up on Thin Mints
I did many fun things this past weekend, including skipping Easter mass on Sunday.
The highlights:
= splitting a box of Thin Mints with Shannon Flynn while we took turns doing our best Terry Schiavo impressions (going to hell in handbaskets we are)
=bought a Lodge castiron Grill Pan (including tax, $23 at Williams-Sonoma)
= grilled lambchops for Papa Weeyums using aforementioned Grill Pan
recipe is very easy: chop up tablespoon each of rosemary and thyme and two large garlic cloves, mix with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and a tad of cayenne pepper. marinate chops for a few hours. then grill. i recommend a spattercover thingy. Papa Weeyums topped with mint jelly which I found appalling.
I don't recommend the film "Lovely and Amazing" unless you want to hate yourself, your life and your mother.
and your adopted black daughter.
But more annoying than all this was the freakishly hot lady who gets piked by Durmot Mulroney or whoever the hell it was. They engage in some smokin' pokin' and all of a sudden she realizes she's not such a hideous beast after all. And the viewer says, "Hey, no shit."
When a character played by Kathy Bates learns to be happy with her body, that's a possibly heroic move. When a character with the body of Cameron Diaz learns to be happy with her body, not so much.
12:01 AM
The original jar of mint jelly was forged in the crotch of hell. Subsequent versions were made in a warehouse in Hackensack, as shipping was a nightmare.
9:23 AM
Terry Schiavo impressions? Yes, you are going to hell but you wont be alone it seems as there is a Schiavo blog http://durrrrr.blogspot.com/
7:16 PM
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