Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Ole Smellypants and Toothpaste Tit

That's right, folks. I fished pants out of the dirty laundry bag today. Didn't febreze them, either. Thought they smelled okay.

I was wrong.

And, when using my Sonicare electric toothbrush which conveniently also serves as a vibrating dildo (don't have to use the cell anymore! woo-hoo!), I managed to spray toothpaste on the left tit of my t-shirt. Yeah, who's up for a promotion? This girl!

In other news, should one be validated when complimented on one's beauty by the insane?

I often walk home from my job and in a slightly shadier part of town, 29th street and 8th avenue, a blatantly homeless and insane person stopped in front of me:

"You. You have a beautiful face."

I then passed a homeless person talking on a cellphone. Making plans to meet up later that night. Perhaps with another homeless person.


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