Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Of all the people I've slept with to run for office . . .

Sander Hicks?

But it's true, thanks to a heads up from Gabe and Hackett, Sander is a) WAY less hot than he was when we dated, b) a PRACTICING Catholic, c) married, d) has a SON and e) is running for SENATE.

And it looks like his wife might actually be around his age, which is also shocking. As he was digging chicks at least seven years younger back in the day.

I will hand this to the guy: he can clearly re-create himself. Not unlike Madonna, quite frankly.

Does that mean Fat Daly will stop being an untalented fat fuck in the near future? Quick, someone check out his myspace page: myspace/ottersrule. Let me know. Thanks to the new internet policy in my ofifce, I can't access myspace.

This is all way too weird . . .


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