Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Soy Sauce on Dad's Will

Perhaps a title for a country song?

Driving up a hill
the air is so still
Eating some sushi,
got soy sauce on Dad's will

Sorry, that was terrible.
I'd never seen the word "fuck" spelled "phuck" until today. Well done, Hackett.

But seriously, I had Chinese with Big Ron a couple days ago and he gave me a copy of his will for my records. I get Mr. Brown (my father's toy poodle), apparently.

Sure enough, after my subway ride from my dad's, laden with leftover sesame chicken ...


Blogger quickstuff said...

better than finding a pre-nup in your fortune cookie.

5:40 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Some people get money, some people get property ... you get a responsibility. ::smiles::

10:20 AM

Blogger Hackett said...

I am the fantasticest.

11:05 AM


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