Very superstitous, writing's on the wall . . .
I'm becoming a bit of a slacker on the job. I'm out of town for the next two weekends . . .the number of websites I enjoy perusing continues to increase . . have I told you how much I enjoy
(What Would Tyler Durden Do) . . .the things that man says about Kirsten Dunst make me pee on myself.
I've had an unhealthy habit over the years that's very easy to perpetuate in NYC. I have a tendency to look at other women's bodies as they walk down the street:
"Wow, what a small, firm ass she has. I wish I had that ass."
"Gosh, she sure has ripped thighs. Sure wish mine looked more like that and less like a ham and swiss sammich."
"Christ on a bike, she's tall with willowy limbs. Even with 6 inch heels on, I would still look at her like a dweebish prepubescent prom date."
Ah, well. I'm using the Jergens moisturizer that adds a subtle tan to even the whitest of albinos so i've got a slight glow that makes the dimpled flesh a bit less noticeable. The unfortunate side effect is that I smell like toast.
BUT toast with sass, and that's all that really matters, no?
2:40 PM
Actually Mandy, I can think of many things that matter more than butt toast. You are such a retarded retard.
1:11 PM
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