Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Friday, May 12, 2006

My guilty pleasure

Okay, so I admit it, I watch "American Idol" when I'm folding my laundry and sometimes I listen to it while I'm in the bathroom doing my makeup before going out. I admit it.

That being said, there is an uncanny similarity between the relationship of Randy Jackson/Paula Abdul and my friends John and Nicole. Much like John and Nicole, Randy and Paula give similar advice/criticism but one of the them's a bit tougher. Paula is gentle with her criticism and waits for Randy to speak, then cushions the blow. Randy will give it to you straight: tell you that you had pitch problems and that it wasn't your best performance or the best song you could have picked but will still give you props. Randy will call you dog but Paula will call you by name. And Simon's just an ass. Any theories there are welcome.

All that being said, I think Nicole is Randy and John is Paula. But Nicole has fantastic hair, much like Paula. And neither Nic nor John have that glassy-eyed look to them or talk without moving their mouths, like Paula.


Blogger Hackett said...

Does John cry whenever anyone smailes or blinks...or breathes?

1:09 PM


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