Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why can't you be proud of me? As my peer? And as my gentleman lover?

Happy to report that I nailed the interview, friends. I interviewed with a woman who would be my peer and was pretty much making sure I'd fit in with "the girls" aka the other admin assts who support the partners and principals. If Nic and Mena Suvari had a lovechild, she would look exactly like Dawn but have more of Nic's personality. We hit it off right nice. I have no further info yet.

Have you heard about all this "pre-pregnant" whatnot? I'm just wondering when men will also have to be considered pre-pregnant. Perhaps men should be asked to stop smoking, having unsafe sex and curb their weight? I don't know. Just a thought.

In other news, I've taken to staring daggers at people on cell phones indoors. In less you're in a loud bar, there is no reason to be on a cell indoors because inevitably someone on a cell phone is not talking at a normal conversational level. They're yelling. There I was, in Ruthy's Bakery in Chelsea Market, about to order my mayo-free tuna with swiss on an untoasted everything when Suzy Tightass Perky Tits is yapping away and then getting pissed when they fuck up their order. She yells at them while still talking to her friend. It's like: "Hey idiot? Perhaps if you got off your phone and treated the people PREPARING THE FOOD YOU'RE GOING TO EAT with a little decency, they'd get your FUCKING order right. Right now they're thinking you're a dumb bimbo lacking common sense and multiple brain cells who, in short, is a completely spoiled brat."

When did using your cell while shopping, while ordering food, while waiting in line, while sitting in a dentist's office,while on a crowded bus, while on an elevator, BECOME SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE? I'm going to start saying something. I like staring though. People become really uncomfortable when you stare at them. When they stare back or say something, I'm going to say:

"I'm sorry, it's just your voice is so pleasant (not nasal at all!) and your conversation so FASCINATING (not utterly mundane and unnecessary and not consisting of "i'm on the ele- i'm on the- i'm on the ele -can you hear me? i said i'm -") that I simply must ask you to please, continue talking on your cell phone for my enjoyment. Really, for everyone's, you brilliant, beautiful person who is not a complete and utterly rude asshole."

Fucking tools.


Blogger mugwatch said...

Word, lady. Word.
Congrats on the nailing the interview! Woohoo!

3:04 PM

Blogger Hackett said...

Hm, I must try this. It'll be fun to follow up a "What are you staring at?" with a "Oh, I'm sorry is that a private conversation? THEN TAKE IT OUTSIDE, DICK!". I do so love calling uppity women 'dicks'.

5:12 PM

Blogger Kath said...

ooh, i like this. because of course they're going to say "yes, it's private" . . and the possibilities afterwards are endless . . . well DONE, hackett! although, this doesn't apply just to women . .men are always talking in the elevator.

5:31 PM

Blogger JCN said...

aye, well played, Hackett. Have you actually used that?

10:55 PM


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