Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Milk was a bad choice.

There was a "culinary festival" (aka street fair) essentially outside of my apartment on saturday and sunday. Yesterday morning I guzzled homemade lemonade and a strawberry banana crepe and have been in gaseous hell for a good 24 hours now.

To answer Johnny's question, I've been battling a wicked cold-like thing for two weeks now. Think I've finally licked it. Kicked it? You know what I mean. I had to go home early from work two days last week. And Johnny, we must discuss a key trade off, no? And yes, another writer's mtg.

Discovered I have to be in a bathing suit on Sunday. My sister is buying me a spray tan but between the dimpled thighs and gaseously bulging abdomen . . . I don't know how much the spray tan will help. I don't even know if I fit into last year's bathing suit, quite frankly. Will drink nothing but water and tea for the rest of the week. Eating . .well, I'll switch to an all-salad diet this evening. For lunch, I must look to the other half of last night's burrito.


Blogger Hackett said...

Can i be your cold-like thing? Heyooohh!

3:00 PM

Blogger JCN said...

yeah, gas problem? old burrito's just what the doctor ordered. Wash that down with a glass of hot crap and call me in the morning.

What jelly beans are you smoking, Kanky Dank?

11:27 PM


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