Not your standard issue late twenty-something's blog.

Monday, December 19, 2005

My love for Seth MacFarlane

I love him. I love him, do you hear me? The ridicufuckulously talented creator of "The Family Guy," aka THE BEST SHOW EVER is a designer, animator, actor and voiceover artist. And cute as the dickens and not Jewish. No wonder I've found myself sexually attracted to Brian, the family dog of "The Family Guy." If I'm not mistaken, Brian's voice is most like Seth's.
Go ahead, go to his link. Last night, Stewie gave us exactly five seconds to click over to "Desperate Housewives" to see how Hollywood tries to make old people, aka the rather beautiful forty-somethings of the show, cute. I actually did it.

In other news, I saw "The Family Stone" Saturday night. If you plan to see this movie, do not read any further. I'll even skip a few lines in case you're tempted or your eyes wander. Or, if like Paris Hilton, you have a lazy eye: (Haven'tcha ever noticed she's always photographed in the same fucking tardo angle. She's the prettiest transvetite ever, though).

So, yeah. My plan was to see the hunky gentlemen of "Gay Cowboy Mountain" do it but alas, surprisingly, the clientele of Times Square's AMC 25, wanted to do the same. Well put, Shannon. So we saw "The Family Stone." Again, don't read if you plan to see it. Thankfully, the hot Wilson was in it, playing a likable Berkeley like fellow without all the typical stoner attributes. Rachael McAdams, aka "hairy nipple"
who's my age, played a college student believably. There's an interracial gay couple and one of the guys is deaf. They're very lovely, both to watch act and to look at. Diane Keaton was awesome. Sarah Jessica Ugly was ugly and Clare Danes is smokin' hot. Those two were supposed to be sisters, which is asking for much more than the suspension of disbelief. Dermot Mulroney is handsome and Craig T Nelson was pretty damn awesome. The movie's premise was mostly sucky, complete with a sister swap and a dead mom over the holidays twist which I REALLY didn't see coming, nor did I really need. "Your mother didn't want to tell you till after the holidays blah blah blah," verbatim, how my mom died. Except my family wasn't then constructed of a collection of very hot, uber-hip, sign-languaging adults who all had significant others. Perhaps that might have softened the blow.

Friday, December 16, 2005

and one more thing ..

Got nine minutes to kill before I can sneak out of work and attend Festivus.

Yesterday, while hurriedly walking to a doctor's appointment a brisk ten blocks away from my apartment, I encountered an elderly woman, at least 72, walking shockingly swiftly towards me. She seemed to be making a beeline right for me. I weaved out of her way and she moved with me. This happened a few times. I desperately tried to get out of her way to no avail. Then, suddenly she was in my face.

"Pick a FUCKING lane!"

At least I really hope that's what she said. But what it sounded like was:

"Nigger FUCKING ape!"

She definitely said fucking. Scared the shit out of me.


So in my recent column on, I neglected to mention Howard Stern as yet another Jew who I would lovingly fellate. I'm currently listening to him live as he makes his way to Hard Rock for a party. At least, I think that's what he's doing.

So, I'm wondering . .. do the deep wrinkles older women get around the mouth really come from smoking . . . or from giving head? Cuz, I'm not gonna lie to you, I've given a lot of head in my day. I mean, a LOT of head. Although, given a choice, I'd prolly rather smoke a cig than give a bj. But, doing one makes me sexy and the doing the other gives me lung cancer. Hm. I foresee a lot of cocksucking in my future.

I continue to gain weight and must wear skirt over pants with every single pair of pants I own now. I may have to resort to tunic-length sweaters. And I keep getting home from work just in time to avoid shitting my pants. And with the winter weather bundling, this is no small feat. There's food everywhere, as far as the eye can see. Cheesecake, fudge, cookies, brownies. My dad's poodle sent me a tin of Godiva chocolates. Christ.